The Dutches

An honest emotion is not the way of acting, but the way of living. Experience a true catharsis with our award-winning play based on the Amanda Modler’s novel .

Our Story

Curabitur quis lectus in diam sodales varius id at odio. Vivamus interdum urna ac porta sodales. Nunc elit nibh, tristique vel interdum tempus, rhoncus quis nunc. Nam eu nisi libero. Vivamus mauris elit, feugiat a risus ut, aliquam volutpat tortor.

Quisque sagittis quam sit amet elementum cursus. Vestibulum convallis condimentum molestie. Ut dignissim varius odio vitae.

live from hillton roof



Okeechobee Arts Festival

Okeechobee, FL



Street Troupes Houston Festival

Houston, TX



Palacio de los Deportes

Mexico, Mexico

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